Thursday, March 22, 2012


You can't just know the truth, you have to practice it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I'm Glad I Know Jesus for Myself

When chaos comes, I'm glad I know that Jesus can and will bring order.

When my mind is not working right, I'm glad to know that Jesus is a mind regulator.

When all hope seems to be lost, I'm glad to know that my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.

When I am sick, I'm glad to know that Jesus is a healer.

When I am lost, I'm glad to know that Jesus will find me, and help me find myself and my way.

When I am in a spiritual or natural fight, I'm glad to know that all I have to do is get out of the way and let Jesus fight my battles for me.

When I have no insurance, I'm glad to know that I have Jesus' blessed assurance.

When my money is funny, and my change is strange, and my credit won't get it, I'm glad to know that Jesus is priceless.  That He paid the cost that counts the most.  That He will make a way out of no way.  That He will make the impossible possible.

I'm talking about JESUS, the name that is above all names.  Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Charity is an Act of Love!

Charity is an act of love, which allows us to do something that is the total opposite of our basic and selfish natures. We did not progress or get to where we are in life without the assistance of others. At very young ages, we display selfish tendencies and attitudes. As children, we show a "that's mine mentality " when it comes to objects such as balls, toys, and candy. Parents and teachers are constantly trying to instruct us in the principle of sharing; however, we struggle with this and may even have tantrums, if someone takes or tries to take something from us. Again, we did not get here on our own. Parents, siblings, teachers and others have had an impact on the lives that we now live. The goals we have been able to reach have more authors than just us alone. Family members, friends and coaches have all imparted something into the make up of our lives. Once we come to this realization and allow our egos to deflate, we then have the opportunity to have our hearts softened and think about others, who are in need. We should challenge ourselves at every opportunity, for it is right to care about others and to do whatever we can for one another. Looking back on the roads that we've traveled throughout our lives should bring to our memories many, many people that were a part of the successes and failures we have experienced. Let's be thankful about these memories and be willing to do the same for others.